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You don't just have to take our word for it. See what others are saying about their experiences with their readings!

I have received many different kinds of readings throughout the years from various intuitives, but no reading has quite been like the one with Liz. Her way of working with the Tarot was something entirely new to me and Liz managed to communicate everything to me in a way that gave me a ton of insights and downloads. So much of a reading is the person facilitating it and Liz is able to create a safe and loving atmosphere to learn and discover. She's exceptional at holding space for both the beautiful lessons and the tougher challenges that come up. Everything was so spot on and I signed off from the session with a warm heart and clarity I had needed about next steps on my journey and new ways of looking at the past. I cannot recommend this work enough and Liz is the person to guide you.

Mike Pinette, Artist/Coach

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